SOFIA DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION was founded as non-profit organization with the decision 348
of the Sofia Municipal Council to work for the sustainable development of the capital.


For the third consecutive year, Sofia Development Association and partner organizations awarded entrepreneurs and employers who support the socio-economic inclusion of refugees and migrants. The Responsible Employers Awards are an initiative that recognizes refugees who have started their own business in Sofia, as well as employers and companies that provide employment to refugees and migrants. For people who have left their homeland under duress, building a second home and finding the strength to start their lives again in another country is a bold, albeit difficult, decision. That is why their successes deserve recognition. That is why this year, SDA, in partnership with UNHCR, Caritas Sofia, the Bulgarian Red Cross, and the Ot Nas Zavisi Foundation nominated and selected 16 companies and entrepreneurs in different categories – women entrepreneurs, contribution to Tasty Sofia, Paying it Forward, Multicultural team, etc. The ceremony was exciting for both the winners and all attendees – many of them with refugee origin, who have already settled in Bulgaria and support for other people in need is their unchanging cause. And the wonderful songs performed by Lilia Levitska and her students from Ukraine really created a festive atmosphere, but also reminded all of us why they left their country.

This event is part of the activities of the project "Support for the development of integration policies and services for refugees in Sofia", funded by UNHCR and implemented by Sofia Development Association.





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